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Full Name: Billie Joe Armstrong
Date of Birth: 17/02/72
Hometown: Rodeo, California, USA
Marital Status: Married Adrienne Nesser on 2nd July, 1994
Children: Joseph Marciano, born March 1995, Jakob Danger, born September 1998
Wheels: Blue 1967 Ford Farlane and a black BMW convertible
Instruments: Guitar, Drums, Harmonica, Mandolin, Piano
Other Bands: Currently still playing with Pinhead Gunpowder and The Network

Billie Joe Armstrong was born on the 17th February, 1972, and is the youngest of six children. His father was a Jazz musician and a truck driver, and his mother was a waitress at a local restaurant called Rod's Hickory Pit. Billie started singing at the age of 5. He would go around hospitals and sing to the patients to make them feel better. The first song he had recorded was "Looking For Love".
Billie's father gave him an electric guitar, the infamous "Blue". Billie has several replicas of "Blue" which are fender stratacasters. "Blue" would be the last gift his father would ever give him as at the age of 10, Billie's father died. After his death, Billie's mother continued to work at Rod's Hickory Pit to support herself and her six children. Eventually, Billie and Mike both worked there as busboys.
Billie met Mike at the age of 10 in the school cafeteria (1982). Billie and Mike were then introduced to Punk Rock by Billie's elder brothers Matt and Eric. Soon after, Billie, Mike and a drummer named John formed a Punk band named Sweet Children. The day before Billie's 18th birthday, and halfway through his senior year of high school, Billie dropped out and devoted all his time to Sweet Children. He knew what he wanted to do, he wanted to play music.
Soon after John left the band to go to college, and so Tre joined the band. Later, Sweet Children was renamed Green Day, and before they knew it, they were travelling all over the country with next to no money and staying at fan's houses.
In Minneapolis in 1990, Billie first laid eyes on his future wife, Adrienne Nesser. Billie and Adrienne dated for a few years and were married on 2nd July 1994, a simple 5 minute ceremony. The next day Adrienne found out she was pregnant. Their first son, Joseph Marcicano Armstrong was born in March of 1995. Then, three years later, in September 1998, their second son, Jakob Danger Armstrong was born. Today, Billie Adrienne, Joseph and Jakob live in Berkeley, California. 

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