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Tre Biography
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Tre Facts
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Billie Joe Pictures
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Welcome to my Green Day website, Green Day Guys Are Fine. This page has basiclly eveything you will ever need to know about Green Day. I have been searching for the information on this page for months.

So, I hope you enjoy the site, and learn all you can/want to about the best band in the world. Please e-mail me with comments, or ideas for improvement to the site.

A message for visitors:
Thank you so much for visiting my site, thanks to new visitors, regular visitors and from all of you spreading the word about my website, I have managed to get far more pageviews on the site than I had ever imagined.
So thank you so much to everyone who has ever visited.
Thank you
Emma - Owner/Creator

Site Updates

15/08/07 - I'm really sorry about the extreme lack of updates recently. I have been so busy it's unbelievable. I'm hoping to start doing regular updates again now and my first update should hopefully be done within the next few days, so keep checking back! Also, please continue to email me at It's great hearing what you guys think of my website.

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